Scaling Laws for Imitation Learning in Single-Agent Games
Jens Tuyls, Dhruv Madeka, Kari Torkkola, and
3 more authors
In Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2024
Imitation Learning (IL) is one of the most widely used methods in machine learning. Yet, many works find it is often unable to fully recover the underlying expert behavior (Wen et al., 2020; Jacob et al., 2022), even in constrained environments like single-agent games (De Haan et al., 2019; Hambro et al., 2022b). However, none of these works deeply investigate the role of scaling up the model and data size. Inspired by recent work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Kaplan et al., 2020; Hoffmann et al., 2022) where “scaling up” has resulted in increasingly more capable LLMs, we investigate whether carefully scaling up model and data size can bring simi- lar improvements in the imitation learning setting for single-agent games. We first demonstrate our findings on a variety of Atari games, and there- after focus on the extremely challenging game of NetHack. In all games, we find that IL loss and mean return scale smoothly with the compute bud- get (FLOPs) and are strongly correlated, resulting in power laws for training compute-optimal IL agents. Finally, we forecast and train several NetHack agents with IL and find they outperform prior state-of-the-art by 1.5x in all settings. Our work both demonstrates the scaling behavior of imitation learning in a variety of single-agent games, as well as the viability of scaling up cur- rent approaches for increasingly capable agents in NetHack, a game that remains elusively hard for current AI systems.